Adam Weber and his team want you to be the mentor

Creative Director,  Adam WeberCreative Director, Adam Weber’s Behind the Scene Look at SAB’s new Be The Mentor Ad

We sat down with Adam Weber to discuss what he thought of the 18+ Campaign why he thinks it will be a success.

Adam Weber is the executive creative director at Joe Public and one of the key people behind SAB’s new hard hitting, and very relevant, 18+ #BeTheMentor campaign.

The #BeTheMentor TV ad is a gripping narrative that has taken the country by storm. Adam says that the campaign and advert were conceptualised on the undeniable insight that it is difficult to try and talk to under 18’s directly, because they don't often listen to their parents or authoritative figures that are much older than them. As a father himself, Adam knows that these are some of the challenges that he could face in the coming years with his daughter.

Adam and his team arrived at, and agree with the notion that it would be far better and easier to reach them via a brother or sister—someone who is a little older than them, but still relatable, loved and respected. A person who is 25 is far more influential to anyone under 18 because they have “been there” and “done that” more recently. These family members should also be able to express the lessons they have learnt in a manner and lingo that under 18’s connect with—they can speak from experience and offer sound advice.

This campaign is rooted in inspiring people in their 20’s and 30’s to become a mentor to their younger siblings and friends in order to curb underage drinking. This was achieved through the deep and meaningful message #BeTheMentor, which aims at not letting those younger than us walk the same journey we might have walked.

To do this, Adam and his team made an extensive effort to get into the headspace of 25 year olds, by giving a voice to those who are brave enough to be the difference and seeding this through a bold creative TV expression. The mission was to understand what they have been through and to get them to share what they believe would work to make a positive change.

At the end of our conversation, Mr. Weber took some time to offer future leaders some advice, stating that South Africa is an amazing country that has numerous stories to tell. He further adds, “It’s super easy to go with the flow but it takes some guts to be brave.” That is what the #BeTheMentor campaign is all about — being brave — making the hard choices, taking the road less travelled to improve the lives of South Africa’s younger generation. That is exactly what Adam and his crew has done.

So don’t stay on the fringes, sign up today, take the pledge and let’s work hand in hand to ensure that the young people of this country remain our big bright future.

Be The Mentor you wish you had.

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